Property Order Attachment To Findings And Order After Hearing (Family Law) {FL-344} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Property Order Attachment To Findings And Order After Hearing (Family Law) {FL-344} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/29/2015

Property Order Attachment To Findings And Order After Hearing (Family Law) {FL-344}

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FL-344 PETITIONER : RESPONDENT: CASE NUMBER: PROPERTY ORDER ATTACHMENT TO FINDINGS AND ORDER AFTER HEARING THE COURT ORDERS 1. Property restraining orders respondent petitioner claimant is restrained from transferring, encumbering, a. The hypothecating, concealing, or in any way disposing of any property, real or personal, whether community, quasi-community, or separate, except in the usual course of business or for the necessities of life. respondent b. The must notify the other party of any proposed extraordinary expenses at least petitioner five business days before incurring such expenses, and make an accounting of such to the court. c. The petitioner is restrained from cashing, borrowing against, cancelling, transferring, respondent disposing of, or changing the beneficiaries of any insurance or other coverage, including life, health, automobile, and disability, held for the benefit of the parties or their minor child or children. d. The petitioner must not incur any debts or liabilities for which the other may be held respondent responsible, other than in the ordinary course of business or for the necessities of life. 2. Possession of property. The exclusive use, possession, and control of the following property that the parties own or are buying is given as specified: Property Given to See Attachment 2. 3. Payment of debts. Payments on the following debts that come due while this order is in effect must be paid as follows: Total debt $ $ $ $ Amount of payments $ $ $ $ Pay to Paid by See Attachment 3. 4. 5. These are temporary orders only. The court will make final orders at the time of judgment. Other (specify): Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California FL-344 [Rev. January 1, 2007] PROPERTY ORDER ATTACHMENT TO FINDINGS AND ORDER AFTER HEARING (Family Law) Page 1 of 1 Family Code, §§ 2045, 6324 American LegalNet, Inc.

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