Responsive Declaration To Motion For Joinder Consent Order Of Joinder {FL-373} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Responsive Declaration To Motion For Joinder Consent Order Of Joinder {FL-373} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 2/23/2018

Responsive Declaration To Motion For Joinder Consent Order Of Joinder {FL-373}

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ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and address):FOR COURT USE ONLY MARRIAGE OFPETITIONER:RESPONDENT:CLAIMANT: RESPONSIVE DECLARATION TO MOTION FOR JOINDERCASE NUMBER:CONSENT ORDER OF JOINDER PetitionerRespondent 1.Consents to the requested joinder and stipulates to an order joining claimant as a party to this proceeding.Does not consent to the requested joinder of claimant as a party to this proceeding.a. b. The statements contained in the declaration for joinder are incorrect or insufficient as follows (specify): 2.I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. (TYPE OR PRINT NAME)(SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT)RESPONSIVE DECLARATION TO MOTION FOR JOINDER CONSENT ORDER OF JOINDERForm Adopted for Mandatory UseJudicial Council of CaliforniaFL-373 [Rev. January 1, 2003]SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OFCITY AND ZIP CODE:BRANCH NAME:STREET ADDRESS:MAILING ADDRESS:FL-373Page 1 of 2 ATTORNEY FOR (Name):TELEPHONE NO. (Optional):FAX NO. (Optional):E?MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ORDER Petitioner3.Respondent having consented and good cause appearing,IT IS ORDERED thata. The claimant is joined as a party to this proceeding.b. The clerk file the original of the submitted pleadings.Summons (Joinder) be issued and claimant be served with a copy of the motion for joinder with pleading c.attached and a copy of the Summons (Joinder).The hearing on the motion for joinder is taken off calendar for (date):d. Dated:JUDICIAL OFFICERFL-373 [Rev. January 1, 2003]Page 2 of 2 RESPONSIVE DECLARATION TO MOTION FOR JOINDER CONSENT ORDER OF JOINDER

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