Request For Child Abduction Prevention Orders {FL-312} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Judicial Council   Family Law - Motions 
Request For Child Abduction Prevention Orders {FL-312} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 7/1/2016

Request For Child Abduction Prevention Orders {FL-312}

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FL-312 PETITIONER: RESPONDENT: OTHER PARENT/PARTY: CASE NUMBER: REQUEST FOR CHILD ABDUCTION PREVENTION ORDERS --This is not a court order-- TO Petition Other(specify): Response Request for Order Responsive Declaration to Request for Order 1. Your name: 2. I request orders to prevent child abduction by (specify): a. b. c. another county in California (specify the county): another state (specify the state): a foreign country (specify the foreign country): (1) (2) He or she is a citizen of that country. He or she has family or emotional ties to that country (explain): Petitioner Respondent Other Parent/Party 3. I think that he or she might take the children without my permission to (check all that apply): 4. I think that he or she might take the children without my permission because he or she (check all that apply): a. has violated--or threatened to violate--a custody or visitation (parenting time) order in the past. Explain: b. does not have strong ties to California. Explain any work, financial, social, or family situation that makes it easy for the party to leave California. c. has recently done things that make it easy for him or her to take the children away without permission. He or she has (check all that apply): quit his or her job. sold his or her home. closed a bank account. ended a lease. sold or gotten rid of assets. Other (specify): hidden or destroyed documents. applied for a passport, birth certificate, or school or medical records. d. has a history of (check all that apply and explain your answers in the space provided in this section): not cooperating with me in parenting. child abuse. domestic violence. taking the children without my permission. Explain your answers to item d. e. has a criminal record. Explain: Page 1 of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California FL-312 [Rev. July 1, 2016] REQUEST FOR CHILD ABDUCTION PREVENTION ORDERS Family Code, § 3048 American LegalNet, Inc. FL-312 PETITIONER: RESPONDENT: OTHER PARENT/PARTY: CASE NUMBER: I REQUEST THE FOLLOWING ORDERS AGAINST (specify): 5. Petitioner Respondent Other Parent/Party Supervised Visitation (Parenting Time) I ask the court to order supervised visitation (parenting time). I understand that the person I request to supervise the visits must meet the qualifications listed in Declaration of Supervised Visitation Provider (form FL-324) The specific terms are attached (check one): form FL-311 as follows: 6. Post a Bond I ask the court to order the posting of a bond for $ can use this money to bring the children back. . If the party takes the children without my permission, I 7. Do Not Move Without My Permission or Court Order I ask for a court order preventing the party from moving with the children without my written permission or a court order. No Travel Without My Permission or Court Order I ask for a court order preventing the party from traveling with the children outside (check all that apply): the United States this county Other(specify): California without my written permission or a court order. 8. 9. Notify Other State of Travel Restrictions I ask the court to order the party to register this order in the state of and provide the court with proof of the registration before the children can travel to that state for child visitation (parenting time). Turn In and Do Not Apply for Passports or Other Vital Documents I ask for a court order (check all that apply): requiring the party to turn in all the children's passports and other documents (such as visas, birth certificates, and other documents used for travel) that are in his or her possession and control. preventing the party from applying for passports or other documents (such as visas or birth certificates) that can be used to travel with the children. Provide Itinerary and Other Travel Documents If the party is allowed to travel with the children, I ask the court to order the party to give me before leaving (specify): the children's travel itinerary. copies of round-trip airline tickets. addresses and telephone numbers where the children can be reached at all times. an open airline ticket for me in case the children are not returned. other (specify): 10. 11. 12. Notify Foreign Embassy or Consulate of Passport Restrictions I ask the court to order the party to notify the embassy or consulate of order and to provide the court with proof of that notification within of this calendar days. 13. Foreign Custody and Visitation Order I ask the court to order the party to get a custody and visitation (parenting time) order in a foreign country equal to the most recent United States order before the children can travel to that country for visits. I understand that foreign orders may be changed or enforced depending on the laws of that country. Other (specify): 14. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information on this form is true and correct. Date: (SIGNATURE ) FL-312 [Rev. July 1, 2016] REQUEST FOR CHILD ABDUCTION PREVENTION ORDERS Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.

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