Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment {FL-341(B)} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment {FL-341(B)} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 7/1/2016

Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment {FL-341(B)}

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FL-341(B) PETITIONER: RESPONDENT: OTHER PARENT/PARTY: CASE NUMBER: CHILD ABDUCTION PREVENTION ORDER ATTACHMENT TO Child Custody and Visitation (Parenting Time) Order Attachment (form FL-341) Custody Order--Juvenile--Final Judgment (form JV-200) Other (specify): 1. The court finds there is a risk that (specify name of party): without permission because that party (check all that apply): a. b. c. does not have strong ties to California. has done things that make it easy for him or her to take the children away without any permission, such as (check all that apply): sold his or her home. quit a job. closed a bank account. ended a lease. sold or gotten rid of assets. hidden or destroyed documents. applied for a passport, birth certificate, or school or medical records. Other (specify): d. has a history of (check all that apply): domestic violence. child abuse. not cooperating with the other parent or party in parenting. e. f. has a criminal record. has family or emotional ties to another county, state, or foreign country. (NOTE: If item "f" is checked, at least one other factor must be checked, too.) will take the child has violated--or threatened to violate--a custody or visitation (parenting time) order in the past. THE COURT ORDERS, to prevent the party in item 1 from taking the children without permission: 2. Supervised visitation (parenting time). The terms are (check one): as specified on attached form FL-341(A) as follows: 3. The party in item 1 must post a bond for $ . The terms of the bond are (specify): 4. The party in item 1 must not move from the following locations with the children without permission in writing from the other parent or party or a court order: Current residence Current school district (specify): This county Other (specify): 5. The party in item 1 must not travel with the children out of (check all that apply): this county. the United States. California. Other (specify): The party in item 1 must register this order in the state of (specify): travel to that state for visits. before the children can 6. 7. The party in item 1 must not apply for a passport or any other vital document, such as a visa or birth certificate, that can be used for travel. THIS IS A COURT ORDER. Page 1 of 2 Family Code, § 3048; 42 U.S.C. § 11601 American LegalNet, Inc. Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California FL-341(B) [Rev. July 1, 2016] CHILD ABDUCTION PREVENTION ORDER ATTACHMENT FL-341(B) PETITIONER: RESPONDENT: OTHER PARENT/PARTY: 8. CASE NUMBER: The party in item 1 must turn in all the children's passports and other vital documents in the party's possession or control as specified below (List the documents that must be turned in. Include the details for turning in the documents to the court, one of the attorneys, the other party, or another person): 9. The party in item 1 must give the other parent or party the following before traveling with the children: The children's travel itinerary Copies of round-trip airline tickets Addresses and telephone numbers where the children can be reached at all times An open airline ticket for the other parent in case the children are not returned Other (specify): 10. The party in item 1 must notify the embassy or consulate of (specify country): this order and provide the court with proof of that notification within (specify number): about days. 11. The party in item 1 must get a custody and visitation (parenting time) order equivalent to the most recent U.S. order before the children may travel to that country for visits. The court recognizes that foreign orders may be changed or enforced according to the laws of that country. Enforcing the order. The court authorizes any law enforcement officer to enforce this order. In this county, contact the Child Abduction Unit of the Office of the District Attorney at (phone number and address): 12. 13. Other orders (specify): 14. This order is valid in other states and in any country that has signed the Hague Convention on Child Abduction. NOTICE TO AUTHORITIES IN OTHER STATES AND COUNTRIES This court has jurisdiction to make child custody orders under California's Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (Fam. Code, § 3400 et seq.) and the Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (42 U.S.C. § 11601 et seq.). If jurisdiction is based on other factors, they are listed above in item 13. Date: JUDICIAL OFFICER THIS IS A COURT ORDER. FL-341(B) [Rev. July 1, 2016] CHILD ABDUCTION PREVENTION ORDER ATTACHMENT Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.

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