Joint Legal Custody Attachment {FL-341(E)} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Joint Legal Custody Attachment {FL-341(E)} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 7/1/2016

Joint Legal Custody Attachment {FL-341(E)}

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FL-341(E) PETITIONER: RESPONDENT: OTHER PARENT/PARTY: CASE NUMBER: JOINT LEGAL CUSTODY ATTACHMENT TO Petition Response Request for Order Responsive Declaration to Request for Order Stipulation and Order for Custody and/or Visitation of Children Findings and Order After Hearing or Judgment Other (specify): Custody Order--Juvenile--Final Judgment NOTICE! In exercising joint legal custody, the parties may act alone, as long as the action does not conflict with any orders about the physical custody of the children. Use this form only if you want to ask the court to make orders specifying when the consent of both parties is required to exercise legal control of the children and the consequences for failing to obtain mutual consent. 1. The parties (specify): Petitioner Respondent Other Parent/Party will have joint legal custody of the children. 2. In exercising joint legal custody, the parties will share in the responsibility and discuss in good faith matters concerning the health, education, and welfare of the children. The parties must discuss and consent in making decisions on the following matters: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Enrollment in or leaving a particular private or public school or daycare center Beginning or ending of psychiatric, psychological, or other mental health counseling or therapy Participation in extracurricular activities Selection of a doctor, dentist, or other health professional (except in emergency situations) Participation in particular religious activities or institutions Out-of-country or out-of-state travel Other (specify): 3. If a party does not obtain the consent of the other party to those items in 2, which are granted as court orders: a. He or she may be subject to civil or criminal penalties. b. The court may change the legal and physical custody of the minor children. c. Other consequences (specify): 4. Special decision making designation and access to children's records a. The petitioner respondent other parent/party will be responsible for making decisions regarding the following issues (specify): b. Both the custodial and noncustodial parent have the right to access records and information about their minor children (including medical, dental, and school records) and consult with professionals who are providing services to the children. 5. Health-care notification. Each party must notify the other of the name and address of each health practitioner who examines or treats the a. children; such notification must be made within (specify number): days of the first treatment or examination. b. Each party is authorized to take any and all actions necessary to protect the health and welfare of the children, including but not limited to consent to emergency surgical procedures or treatment. The party authorizing such emergency treatment must notify the other party as soon as possible of the emergency situation and of all procedures or treatment administered to the children. The parties are required to administer any prescribed medications for the children. c. 6. 7. 8. School notification. Each party will be designated as a person the children's school will contact in the event of an emergency. Name. The parties will not change the last name of the children or have a different name used on the children's medical, school, or other records without the written consent of the other party. Other (specify): Form Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California FL-341(E) [Rev. July 1, 2016] JOINT LEGAL CUSTODY ATTACHMENT Page 1 of 1 Family Code, §§ 3003, 3025, 3083 American LegalNet, Inc.

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