Property Order Attachment To Judgment (Family Law) {FL-345} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Judicial Council   Family Law - Motions 
Property Order Attachment To Judgment (Family Law) {FL-345} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/29/2015

Property Order Attachment To Judgment (Family Law) {FL-345}

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FL-345 PETITIONER: RESPONDENT: CASE NUMBER: PROPERTY ORDER ATTACHMENT TO JUDGMENT 1. Division of community property assets a. b. There are no community property assets. The court finds that the net value of the community estate is less than $5,000 and that the petitioner respondent cannot be found. Under Family Code section 2604, the entire community estate is awarded to the petitioner respondent. The petitioner will receive the following assets: (Attach additional page if necessary.) c. d. The respondent will receive the following assets: (Attach additional page if necessary.) petitioner respondent will be responsible for preparing and filing a Qualified Domestic Relations Order e. The (QDRO) to divide the following plan or retirement account(s) (specify): The fee for preparation of the QDRO shall be shared as follows (specify): f. Other orders: g. Each spouse will receive the assets listed above as his or her sole and separate property. The parties must execute any and all documents required to carry out this division. h. The court reserves jurisdiction to divide any community assets not listed here and enforce the terms of this order. 2. Division of community property debts a. b. There are no community debts. All community debts have been paid by the petitioner respondent The The payment plan is as follows: petitioner respondent. must reimburse the other party: $ c. The petitioner will be responsible for the following debts: (Attach additional page if necessary.) d. The respondent will be responsible for the following debts: (Attach additional page if necessary.) Form Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California FL-345 [Rev. January 1, 2007] PROPERTY ORDER ATTACHMENT TO JUDGMENT (Family Law) Page 1 of 2 Family Code, §§ 299, 2500­2660 American LegalNet, Inc. FL-345 PETITIONER: RESPONDENT: CASE NUMBER: e. Other orders: f. Each party will be solely responsible for paying the debts assigned to him or her and will hold the other harmless from those debts. The parties understand that the creditors are not bound by this judgment. If a creditor seeks payment from the party who is not listed as responsible for the debt, that party can file a motion to seek reimbursement from the defaulting party. g. The court reserves jurisdiction to divide any community debts not listed here. 3. Equalization of division of property and debt orders. To equalize the division of the community property assets and debts, the petitioner respondent must pay to the other the sum of: $ , payable as follows (specify): 4. Separate property a. The court confirms the following assets or debts as the sole separate property, or sole responsibility, of the petitioner: b. The court confirms the following assets or debts as the sole separate property, or sole responsibility, of the respondent: 5. 6. The settlement agreement between the parties dated (date): is attached and made a part of this judgment. Sale of property. The following property will be offered for sale and sold for the fair market value as soon as a willing buyer divided equally other (specify): can be found, and the net proceeds from the sale will be 7. Other orders (specify): FL-345 [Rev. January 1, 2007] PROPERTY ORDER ATTACHMENT TO JUDGMENT (Family Law) Page 2 of 2

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