Waiver By Alleged Incapacitated Individual {514GC} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Probate Court 
Waiver By Alleged Incapacitated Individual {514GC} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 3/29/2019

Waiver By Alleged Incapacitated Individual {514GC}

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FORM #514GC (01/2019) 62-1-401, 62-1-402, 62-5-303C, 62-5-403C STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) COUNTY OF ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF: ) PROBATE COURT USE ONLY , ) ) IN THE PROBATE COURT an alleged incapacitated individual. ) ) CASE NUMBER - GC - - ) WAIVER BY ALLEGED INCAP A CITATED INDIVIDUAL By signing this document, I freely and voluntarily waive: (Check all that apply.) Notice of a hearing to determine whether I am incapacitated and whether I need a guardian, a conservator, or a protective order. I understand that if I do not check this box waiving notice, I am legally entitled to at least twenty (20) days notice of a hearing unless the Court provides for a different time of giving notice. The right to be present at a hearing to determine whether I am incapacitated and whether I need a guardian, a conservator, or a protective order. The right to a hearing to determine whether I am incapacitated and whether I need a guardian, a conservator, or a protective order. I understand that if I check this box waiving my right to a hearing that the Court may proceed without a hearing and enter a temporary consent order regarding whether I need a guardian, a conservator, or a protective order. I further understand that the court will enter a temporary consent order for 30 days, and I can change my mind and request a formal hearing during that 30 days. I understand and acknowledge that I am not required to complete this waiver and that I may discuss this waiver with my attorney and/or Guardian ad Litem. I understand that I may rescind this waiver prior to the issuance of a final order by filing a written document with the court to that effect. Executed this day of , 20 . SWORN to before me this day of Signature: , 20 . Print Name: Address: Print Name: Preferred Telephone: Notary Public for: Secondary Telephone: (State) Email: My Commission Expires: (Date) Attorney Signature: Print Name: Firm Name: Bar Number: Address: Telephone: Email: Attorney for: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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