Application For Relief (Conservatorship) {583GC-B} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Probate Court 
Application For Relief (Conservatorship) {583GC-B} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 3/29/2019

Application For Relief (Conservatorship) {583GC-B}

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FORM #583GC-B (01/2019) Page 1 of 3 62-5-428(A), 62-5-422(B), 62-5-413 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) COUNTY OF ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF: ) PROBATE COURT USE ONLY , ) ) IN THE PROBATE COURT a protected person. ) ) CASE NUMBER - GC - - ) ) APPLICATION FOR RELIEF ) (CONSERVATORSHIP) ) Applicant : What is your relationship to the proceeding? Protected Person Guardian Conservator Interested Person RELIEF SOUGHT (check all that apply) 1. Termination/Discharge of the Conservator because (check all that apply): a. Protected Person died on . Obituary is attached. Death Certificate is attached. Final Accounting is attached and approval of same is requested. b. The Conservator died on . Obituary is attached. Death Certificate is attached. c. Protected Person has reached the age of eighteen (18) or has been emancipated by Court Order. Birth Certificate is attached. Court Order is attached. Final Accounting is attached and approval of the same is requested. Other: d. The net aggregate amount of the conservatorship assets is less than $15,000. Final Accounting is attached and approval of the same is requested. e. Protected Person has regained capacity. 2 . Require an increase or reduction in t he conservatorship bond or security. a. Bond should be set at the following amount: $ 3. Require the Con servator to complete a current Conservator Report ( FORM # 5 67GC - SF ) . 4 . Approval for $ a. A quote for the funeral expenses is attached. 5. Resignation of the Conservator. The reason for the resignation is: American LegalNet, Inc. FORM #583GC-B (01/2019) Page 2 of 3 62-5-428(A), 62-5-422(B), 62-5-413 6. Removal of the Conservator for the following reason: 7. Appointment of a Successor Conservator: Name: Address: Preferred Telephone: Secondary Telephone: Email: Relationship to the Protected Person: Name: Address: Preferred Telephone: Secondary Telephone: Email: Relationship to the Protected Person: 8 . Other relief as provided for in S.C. Code Ann. 247 62 - 5 - 413 or S.C. Code Ann. 247 62 - 5 - 422(B). a. Describe the relief you are requesting. b. Why is the requested relief necessary? NOTE: If the space provided is not sufficient to answer the questions above, please complete your answer on a separate sheet of paper and attach. The Court may approve or deny the application without notice, require notice to such persons as the Court directs, or may require the commencement of a formal proceeding pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. 247 62 - 5 - 428(B). By filing this document, the Applicant is personally submitting to the jurisdiction of this Court. Executed this day of , 20 . Signature: Print Name: Address: Preferred Telephone: Secondary Telephone: Email: Relationship to the Protected Person : Attorney Signature: Print Name: Firm Name: Bar Number : Address: Telephone: Email: Attorney for : American LegalNet, Inc. FORM #583GC-B (01/2019) Page 3 of 3 62-5-428(A), 62-5-422(B), 62-5-413 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) COUNTY OF ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF: ) PROBATE COURT USE ONLY , ) ) IN THE PROBATE COURT a protected person. ) ) CASE NUMBER - GC - - ) ) ) ORDER CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR RELIEF ) ) The Probate Court has reviewed and considered the Application for Relief, and therefore orders that: 1. The relief as requested in the Application for Relief is APPROVED . 2 . The Conservator is released and discharged of his/her duties as Conservator. 3 . The Final Conservator Report is accepted as filed. 4 . The office of Conservator is terminated. 5 . The Conservator shall complete a current Conservator Report and submit it within days of this Order. 6. The bond or security amount shall be changed to: $ 7 . The Conservator may expend $ of conservatorship funds to pay for the Protected days of this Order. 8. is appointed as Successor Conservator for the Protected Person. 9. The Application for Relief is DENIED at this time and requires notice of this Application be served on all interested parties and as the Court directs. 10. The Application for Relief is DENIED and requires the Applicant to commence a formal proceeding pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. 247 62 - 5 - 428(B). IT IS SO ORDERED. , Judge of Probate day of , 20 , South Carolina American LegalNet, Inc.

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