Order On Media Request To Permit Coverage {MC-510} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Order On Media Request To Permit Coverage {MC-510} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/29/2015

Order On Media Request To Permit Coverage {MC-510}

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COURT MEDIA COUNTY .OF. . AGENCY.(name):. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .. ....... ..... CHANNEL/FREQUENCY NO.: : PERSON SUBMITTING REQUEST (name): ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: Insert name of court and name of judicial district and branch court, if any: MC-510 FOR COURT USE ONLY Index No. Calendar No. : Plaintiff(s) : : : JUDICIAL SUBPOENA -againstTITLE OF CASE: NAME OF JUDGE: : CASE NUMBER: : . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAKING. REQUEST .(name):. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ........ ..... AGENCY 1. a. b. 3. No hearing was held. Date of hearing: Time: ORDER ON MEDIA REQUEST TO PERMIT COVERAGE Defendant(s) Dept./Div.: Attached Room: As follows: THE PEOPLE OFconsidered all the relevant YORKlisted in subdivision (e)(3) of California Rules of Court, rule 1.150 (see reverse). 2. The court THE STATE OF NEW factors THE COURT FINDS (findings or a statement of decision are optional): TO THE COURT ORDERS 4. The request to photograph, record, or broadcast is GREETINGS: a. denied. b. granted subject to the all business and excuses being Rules of Court, AND the of you attend before WE COMMAND YOU, that conditions in rule 1.150, Californialaid aside, you and eachfollowing: The local rules of this court at the regulating media activity outside the courtroom (copy attached). , the Honorable (1) Court The order of the presiding or supervising judge regulating media activity outside the courtroom (copy attached). (2) located at County of to (3) on thePayment to of clerk of increased court- incurred costs of (specify): $noon, and at any recessed be determined. in room , day the , 20 , at o'clock in the The media evidence as a witness in this court on the part of the (4) testify and giveagency shall demonstrate to theactionthat the proposed personnel and equipment comply with or adjourned date, to California Rules of Court, rule 1.150, and any local rule or order. (5) Personnel and equipment shall be placed as directed as indicated in the attachment as follows (specify): The attached statement of agreed pooling arrangements is approved. A statement of agreed pooling arrangements satisfactory to the court shall be filed before Witness, Honorable coverage begins. , one of the Justices of the This order day of (7) County, Court in , 20 (i) shall not apply to allow coverage of proceedings that are continued. (ii) shall apply to allow coverage of proceedings that are continued. Other (specify): (8) (Attorney must sign above and type name below) (6) (i) (ii) Your failure to comply with this subpoena is punishable as a contempt of court and will make you liable to the party on whose behalf this subpoena was issued for a maximum penalty of $50 and all damages sustained as a result of your failure to comply. 5. Coverage granted in item 4b is permitted in the following proceedings: Attorney(s) for All proceedings, except those prohibited by California Rules of Court, rule 1.150, and those proceedings prohibited by a. further court order. Only the following proceedings (specify type or date or both): b. 6. The order made on (date): is terminated Office and P.O. Address modified as follows (specify): 7. Date: Number of pages attached: Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California MC-510 [Rev. January 1, 2007] ORDER ON MEDIA REQUEST TO PERMIT COVERAGE Telephone No.: Facsimile No.: E-Mail Address: (See reverse for additional information) Mobile Tel. No.: JUDGE Page 1 of 2 Cal. Rules of Court rule 1.150 www.courtinfo.ca.gov American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com MC-510 CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: FACTORS CONSIDERED BY THE JUDGE IN MAKING THIS ORDER (Rule 1.150) 1. Importance of maintaining public trust and confidence in the judicial system 2. Importance of promoting public access to the judicial system 3. Parties' support of or opposition to the request 4. Nature of the case 5. Privacy rights of all participants in the proceeding, including witnesses, jurors, and victims 6. Effect on any minor who is a party, prospective witness, victim, or other participant in the proceeding 7. Effect on the parties' ability to select a fair and unbiased jury 8. Effect on any ongoing law enforcement activity in the case 9. Effect on any unresolved identification issues 10. Effect on any subsequent proceedings in the case 11. Effect of coverage on the willingness of witnesses to cooperate, including the risk that coverage will engender threats to the health or safety of any witness 12. Effect on excluded witnesses who would have access to the televised testimony of prior witnesses 13. Scope of the coverage and whether partial coverage might unfairly influence or distract the jury 14. Difficulty of jury selection if a mistrial is declared 15. Security and dignity of the court 16. Undue administrative or financial burden to the court or participants 17. Interference with neighboring courtrooms 18. Maintaining orderly conduct of the proceeding 19. Any other factor the judge deems relevant PROHIBITED COVERAGE (Rule 1.150) This order does not permit photographing, recording, or broadcasting of the following in the court: 1. The jury or the spectators 2. Jury selection 3. A conference between an attorney and a client, witness, or aide 4. A conference between attorneys 5. A conference between counsel and the judge at the bench ("sidebars") 6. A proceeding closed to the public 7. A proceeding held in chambers MEDIA PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT (Rule 1.150) NOTE: These requirements apply unless the judge orders otherwise. Refer to the order for additional requirements. 6. No distracting sounds or lights 1. No more than one television camera 2. No more than one still photographer 7. No visible signal light or device that shows when equipment is operating 3. No more than one microphone operator and no obtrusive microphones or wiring 8. No disruption of proceedings, nor public expense, to install, operate, or remove modifications to existing sound 4. No operator entry or exit or other distraction when the and lighting systems court is in session 5. No moving equipment when the court is in session 9. No media agency insignia or marking on equipment or clothing SANCTIONS FOR VIOLATING THIS ORDER (Rule 1.150) Any violation of this order or rule 1.150 is an unlawful interference with the proceedings of the court. The violation may result in an order terminating media coverage, a citation for contempt of court, or an order imposing monetary or other sanctions. MC-510 [Rev. January 1, 2007]

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